Fee Schedule
On this page we give you a breakdown of all fees including upfront what to expect and any additional fees you can expect from yearly taxes to managing entities. There will always be yearly costs of running businesses, filing, taxes etc.
The Initial Set-up Fee
There’s a $50,000 initial set-up fee that covers the legal work necessary to construct the various trusts and entities that make up the basic architecture of your plan. Generally, this includes the set-up of a Revocable Living Trust, Asset Protection Trust, Charitable Remainder Trust (if desired), and any business entities you need along with its corresponding Operating Agreement.
While the fee is generally not larger than $50,000, the initial set-up fee may exceed this amount in situations where a client has a very complex planning situation or the client is ultra-high net-worth, requiring more involved planning structures and strategies.
Ongoing legal fees are not mandated and would only be required if you added a trust in the future or amended a current trust. MCA has negotiated preferential rates in both situations.
This fee is for our private client offering and NOT family office services.
The Service Fee
Mountain Crypto Advisers may make money, after client expenses are handled, through a Service Fee in addition to managing a private equity fund on behalf of our clients. Unlike other service providers, our fee is not charged monthly or quarterly or annually. It’s charged when you exit crypto and there’s no obligation for you to do so – ever. The fee is charged when you exit your crypto, not when you re-stake or convert to another crypto – only when you exit.
The fee structure is a flat rate 1.5% and is applied against any amount you exit to fiat.
Tax Preparation Fee
Brookhaven Tax & Accounting Professionals is the tax team of MCA. Brookhaven is a CPA firm specializing in tax and accounting service for high-net worth and high-profile individuals, businesses, and charities, with a specialty in real estate, business, and cryptocurrency. Your tax preparation fee is separate from any other fee.
However, MCA has committed to pay the totality of your individual and business tax preparation, so long as you’ve paid a Service Fee to MCA that will cover the amount that year. Meaning, if you offramp enough for the MCA service fee to cover your tax prep, MCA will cover 100% of the cost – even if it’s 100% of what you’ve paid MCA.
If you did not offramp enough for MCA to cover your tax preparation cost, you’ll be responsible for the difference between what MCA can pay based on your Service Fee and the total cost of the tax preparation. The cost of tax preparation can vary from as low as $875 to several thousands of dollars, depending on the complexity of your return and situation. There’s a lot of energy and time that goes into prepping your return around a defendable position for your situation. That’s what you (or MCA) are paying for.
Trustee Fee
Some of your trusts may require a Trustee and while you can serve as your own Trustee in certain situations, it may make more sense for you to engage a professional Trustee. If you choose to engage a professional Trustee, MCA has negotiated preferential rates with our legal team to serve in such capacity. Generally, this fee will be about $1,500-$2,500 annually but could be higher depending on how involved you would like the Trustee to be in the administration of your trust.
While the Trustee fee is separate from any other fee, MCA has agreed to pay its full cost (only if you choose to engage the MCA-preferred legal team as Trustee), so long as there’s enough of the MCA Service Fee that you’ve paid that year to cover the cost of Trustee services for certain trusts you’ve decided to engage a Trustee for.
Mandatory Fees
Generally, the only mandatory ongoing fees are the MCA Service Fee and Tax Preparation Fee (which is intended to be paid by MCA if possible). The Trustee fee would only be required if you decided to engage a Trustee – which may be recommended or required depending on the Trust. Any other fee would be optional based on a separate engagement (e.g., accounting services, investment management, etc.).
Seed Words & Wallets
We don’t touch them – we don’t want them. You maintain control of the digital assets and the decision as to when they are sold or converted.
Your security and privacy are a priority for us and are considered within each step of your planning.